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[MFDS News] [Press Release] MFDS Launches APFRAS Secretariat as a starting step for regulatory diplomacy


[Press Release] MFDS Launches APFRAS Secretariat as a starting step for regulatory diplomacy

- MFDS taking initiative in regulatory harmonization and cooperation among Asia-Pacific food regulatory authorities

- The 2nd APFRAS meeting will be held on May 13-14 in Seoul

Ministry of Food and Drug Safety (Minister OH, Yu-Kyoung) announced that the Asia-Pacific Food Regulatory Authority Summit(‘APFRAS’) Secretariat was launched on January 15th with a purpose of supporting the activities of the APFRAS, designed to take initiative in international cooperation and regulatory harmonization in the food sector.

* Members of the APFRAS (Asia-Pacific Food Regulatory Authority Summit) include 7 countries including Republic of Korea, Australia, New Zealand, Viet Nam, The Philippines, China, and Singapore


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